Alfonso D.K. Tahapary
Penggunaan hak interpelasi sebagai pelaksanaan fungsi pengawasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat setelah amandemen undang-undang dasar tahun 1945 = An usage of the rights of interpellation as the implementation of the house of representatives oversight functions after the amandement of the constitution of 1945
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Skripsi Open
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Konstitusi konstitusi modern: Modern constitution
Pustaka Eureka, 2005
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Findlay, Bruce Allyn
Your rugged Constitution ; how America's house of freedom is planned and built
Stanford University Press, 1952
 Buku Teks
Findlay, Bruce Allyn
Your rugged Constitution ; how America's house of freedom is planned and built
Stanford University Press, 1959
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The constitution and the political parties: documents on politics and society in the Federal Republic of Germany
edited by Sigrid Born
Inter Nationes, 1994
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