Gargiulo, Terrence L., 1968-
In the land of difficult people: 24 timeless tales reveal how to tame beasts at work
American Management Association, 2008
Kaplan, Burton
Winning people over : 14 days to power and confidence
Prentice-Hall, 1996
 Buku Teks
Marcic, Dorothy
Managing with the wisdom of love: uncovering virtue in people and organizations / Dorothy Marcis
Jossey-Bass, 1997
 Buku Teks
Ni Made Nadya Maharani Utami
"Dekat denganmu serasa aku dekat dengan orangtua-ku": perbedaan kepuasan hubungan berpacaran pada emerging adult berdasarkan tipe adult attachment = "Being close with you is like being close with my parent": the romantic relationship satisfaction differences in emerging adults based on adult attachment style
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Maxwell, John C.
25 cara untuk membuat orang lain menyukai Anda : dan merasa diri mereka ada dalam kondisi prima = 25 ways to win wi9th people : how to make others feel like a million bucks
Menuju Insan Cemerlang, 2014
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