R. Tuty Nur Mutia
Normalization of china-indonesia`s diplomatic relations and the role of the mianzi concept
Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2012
 Artikel Jurnal
Gardner, Paul F.
50 years of U.S.-Indonesia diplomatic relations
 Artikel Jurnal
Harvey, Barbara S.
PRRI/Permesta at "50 years Indonesia-America relations"
 Artikel Jurnal
Minchen T.Z Tyau
China's diplomatic relations 1931-1932 a survey Preliminary paper prepared for the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Institute of Pasific Relations to be held at Banff, Canada, August 14 to 28, 1933 / Minchen T.Z Tyau
Institute of Pasific Relations, 1933
 Buku Teks
China and New Zealand : a thriving relationship thirty years on
edited by James Kember
New Zealand Asia Institute, 2003
 Buku Teks