M. Soehardjan
Dinamika populasi penggerek kuning padi
UI-Press, 1983
 Buku Referensi
Murakami, Kazuo
The divine message of the dna : tuhan dalam gen kita
Mizan, 2007
 Buku Teks
MS. Syamsulbahri
Bercocok tanam tanaman perkebunan tahunan / oleh Syamsulbahri, MS
Gajahmada University Press , 1006
 Buku Teks
Interspecific genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of six members of the genus allium L. (Alliaceae) in the Philippines inferred from RAPD-PCR and mophometrics
 Artikel Jurnal
Phenotypic,metabolic and genetic diversity of the Indonesia isolates of rhizopus oligosporus
 Artikel Jurnal