Lamb, Beatrice Pitney
India : a world in transition / Beatrice Pitney Lamb
Frederick A. Preager , 1963
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The Invasion and occupation of Goa in the world press = L'invasion et occupation de Goa dans la presse mondiale = Die Invasion und Besetzung von Goa in der Weltpresse / edited and published by the National Secretariate for Information = edition du Secretariat national de l'information = ausgabe des Nationalsekretariates fur Information
National Secretariat for Information, 1962
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Spear, Percival
India, Pakistan, and the west
Oxford University Press, 1949
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Panikkar, K.M.
A survey of Indian history
Asia Publishing House, 1954
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Wallbank, T. Walter
A short history of India and Pakistan
The American Library, 1958
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