Siwi Kadarmo
Sekretaris dan tugas-tugasnya
Nina Dinamika, 1998
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Didi Wahyu Sudirman
Beberapa Saran:Etika Sekretaris dan Human Relationsnya / Didi Wahyu Sudirman
Liberty , 1982
 Buku Teks
Siwi Kadarmo
Sekretaris dan tugas-tugasnya / Siwi Kadarmo
Nina Dinamika, 1994
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Schwebel, Stephen M.
The secretary-General of the United Nations : his political powers and practice / Stephen M. Schwebel
Harvard University Press, 1952
 Buku Teks
Kim, Jong Un
Let us brilliantly accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal general secretary of our party
Foreign Languages Pub. House, 2012
 Buku Teks