Selena Salsabila Nusantara
Subjective well-being: analisis pengaruh faktor material dan non-material terhadap kebahagiaan di Indonesia = Subjective well being analysis of the influence of material and non-material factors on happiness in Indonesia
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Binar Asri Lestari
Hubungan antara partisipasi politik dengan subjective well being perbandingan antara mahasiswa aktivis dan mahasiswa non aktivis = Correlation between political participation and subjective well being comparation between activist student and non activist student
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Subjective well-being and security
edited by Dave Webb and Eduardo Wills-Herrera
Springer, 2012
Avia Athalia
Perbandingan kesehatan mental dan regulasi emosi pada musikus dan nonmusikus = A comparative study of mental health and emotion regulation among musicians and non musicians
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Subjective well-being and life satisfaction
Routledge, 2017