Pocket Turkish dictionary: Turkce-Ingilzce--Ingilizce-Turkce
edited by Susie Beattie and Rachel Smith
Harper and Collins, 2011
 Buku Referensi
Collins robert French dictionaire: Francais-Anglais-Anglais-Francais
Harper Collins Publisher, 1994
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Scharfstein, Zevi
New comprehensive Shilo pocket dictionary : Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew : contains over 30,000 words and phrases with a list of abbreviations
America : Shilo Publishing House, 1073
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Chalmers, John
An English and Cantonese pocket dictionary for the use of those who wish to learn the spoken language of Canton province / John Chalmers
London Missionary Society's Press, 1859
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Irfan Ugurlu
Pocket dictionary: Turkish - English=Turkce- Ingilizce cep sozlugu / Hazirlayan Prepared by Irfan Ugurlu
Istambul, MEB, 2001
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