Nichols, Randall K.
Wireless security : models, threats, and solutions
McGraw-Hill , 2002
 Buku Teks
Analisa pengaruh nilai Superframe Order dan Beacon Order terhadap kinerja jaringan nirkabel Multihop pada Protokol IEEE 802.15.4 = Analysis of the effect of beacon Order and Superframe Order value to the performance of Multihop wireless networks on IEEE 802.25.4 Protocol
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis Membership
Internet and wireless security
edited by Robert Temple and John Regnault
Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2002
5G enabled secure wireless networks
Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, Kathiravan Srinivasan, Vishal Sharma, editors
Springer Nature , 2019
Adhitya Wicaksono
Uji penetrasi dan analisis keamanan jaringan pada wi-fi menggunakan kali linux = Penetration test and network security analysis on wi-fi using kali linux
 UI - Skripsi Membership