Using bim model and genetic algorithms to optimize the crew assignment for construction project planning
 Artikel Jurnal
Yi-Jao Chen
Using bim model and genetic algorithms to optimize the crew assignment for construction project planning
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 Artikel Jurnal
Meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui model kooperatif numbered heads together (NHT) di kelas X SMA negeri 1 Beduai Kabupaten Sanggau ( Improving students achievements by using cooperative models of numbered haeds together (NHT) at class X of public senior hight school 1 Beduai Sanggau
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Model pembelajaran dengan TIK di sekolah kategori perintis: ICT in learning model with the pioneer school category
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Heri Hermansyah
Kinetic model for trigl yceride hydrolysis using lipase: review
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
 Artikel Jurnal