Genetic engineering : what's happening at roche?
edited by Stefan Ryser and Marecel Weber
Editiones Roche, Basel, 1991
 Buku Teks
Burnham, James
The managerial revolution : what is happening in the world
The John Day, 1941
 Buku Teks
Bickerton, Derek
Language and species
University of Chicago Press, 1990
 Buku Teks SO
Darwin, Charles
The origin of species = asal-usul species
Ikon Teralitera, 2002
 Buku Teks
Dini Amalini
Indikasi perilaku sindrom galapagos pada warga negara Jepang yang bermukim di Jakarta = Indication of galapagos syndrome behavior within Japanese citizens who are residing in Jakarta
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership