Image analysis and recognition : 9th international conference, ICIAR 2012, Aveiro, Portugal, June 25-27, 2012 : proceedings, part I
edited by Aurelio Campilho and Mohamed Kamel
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Image analysis and recognition : 9th international conference, ICIAR 2012, Aveiro, Portugal, June 25-27, 2012 : proceedings, part II
edited by Aurelio Campilho and Mohamed Kamel
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Petr Sojka, editor
Text, speech and dialogue : 15th international conference, TSD 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012 : proceedings
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Cheng-Lin Liu, editor
Pattern recognition : Chinese Conference, CCPR 2012, Beijing, China, September 24-26, 2012 : proceedings
[, Springer-Verlag], 2012
Computer vision - ECCV 2012 : 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012 : proceedings, part I
editor, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Springer-Verlag, 2012