Mobile multimedia communications: 6th International ICST Conference, Mobimedia 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-8, 2010 : revised selected papers
edited by Jonathan Rodriguez, Rahim Tafazolli, Christos Verikoukis
Springer, 2012
Mobile networks and management : Third International ICST Conference MONAMI 2011, Aveiro, Portugal, September 21–23, 2011 : revised selected papers
edited by Kostas Pentikousis
Springer, 2012
Intelligent technologies for interactive entertainment : 4th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2011, Genova, Italy, May 25–27, 2011 : revised selected papers
edited by Antonio Camurri and Cristina Costa
Springer, 2012
Security and privacy in mobile information and communication systems : Third International ICST Conference, MobiSec 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, May 17-19, 2011 : revised selected papers
edited by Ramjee Prasad
Springer, 2012
Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems, and applications : 4th International ICST conference, Mobilware 2011, London, UK, June 22-24, 2011 : revised selected papers
edited by Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Vladimir Getov, Stephan Steglich
Springer, 2012