Perlindungan hukum pemegang gadai terkait eksekusi gadai atas saham dalam hal berakhirnya jangka waktu gadai saham yang utangnya belum dilunasi pemberi gadai : studi kasus putusan Mahkamah Agung RI no. 240 PK/Pdt/2006 Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI no. 115PK/Pdt/2007 = Legal protection for pledgee in the execution of pledge of shares related to period time in pledge of shares agreement is expired but pledgor has not fulfilled all of the payment of debt : case study of Supreme Court Decision No. 240 PK/Pdt/2006 and Supreme Court Decision No. 115PK/Pdt/2007 / Candra Karjasan