Topics in nonlinear dynamics, volume 3: proceedings of the 30th IMAC, a conference on Structural Dynamics, 2012
D. Adams, G. Kerschen, A. Carrella
[, Springer], 2012
Topics on the dynamics of civil structures, volume 1 : proceedings of the 30th IMAC, a conference on Structural Dynamics, 2012
editor, J.M. Caicedo
Sprinnger, 2012
Topics in modal analysis II, volume 6: proceedings of the 30th IMAC, a conference on Structural Dynamics, 2012
editor, R. Allemang
Springer, 2012
Topics in modal analysis I, volume 5: proceedings of the 30th IMAC, a conference on Structural Dynamics, 2012
editor, R. Allemang
Springer, 2012
Topics in model validation and uncertainty quantification, volume 4 : proceedings of the 30th IMAC, a conference on structural dynamics, 2012
edited by T. Simmermacher
Springer, 2012