Ichsan Malik
Belajar mengelola konflik = Learning to manage conflict
TIFA, 2007
 Buku Teks
Face it: recognizing and conquering the hidden fear that drives all conflict at work
Art Horn
[American Management Association, ], 2004
Shearouse, Susan H.
Conflict 101: a manager's guide to resolving problems so everyone can get back to work
[American Management Association;, ], 2011
Kresna Kusumaswijaya
Kebijakan Luar Negeri Qatar dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Afghanistan = Qatar's Foreign Policy in Afghanistan's Conflict Resolution
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice
Morton Deutsch, Peter T. Coleman
Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000
 Buku Teks