Microliths and maritime mobility: a continental European-style Late Mesolithic flint assemblage from the Isles of Scilly
Artikel Jurnal
The end of ‘splendid isolation’: a continental perspective on the Old Quay discovery
Artikel Jurnal
Takahashi, Teruhiko
A reevaluation of the artifacts excavated from Nonaka Kofun / Teruhiko Takahashi, Tatsuo Nakakubo, Tatsuya Hshimoto, Yutaro Miyoshi, Yuki Takeuchi.
Osaka University, 2018
Artikel Jurnal
Ashwin Prayudi
Diseases in the past from classical-islamic period community of caruban: paleopathological perspective / Ashwin Prayudi, Rusyad Adi Suriyanto
Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
Artikel Jurnal
Deetz, James
Man's imprint from the past: readings in the methods of archaeology / James Deetz.
Little, Brown & Co., 1971
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