Clinical characteristics of adults reporting repressed, recovered or continous memories of childhood sexual abuse
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Unresolved attachment, PTSD, and dissociation in women with childhood abuse histories
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Randomized trial of treatment for children with sexual behavior problems : ten-year follow up
 Artikel Jurnal
Sari Monik Agustin
Proses konstruksi wacana tubuh normal (identifikasi panoptisisme pada perempuan gemuk khalayak iklan) = The process of normal body discourse construction identification of panopticism to obese women as advertisement audience
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Nida Hanasa
Hubungan riwayat penelantaran emosional dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kecamatan Beji, Depok = The Association between history of emotional neglect and Senior High School Students Academic Performance in Kecamatan Beji Depok
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