Puthut Bayu Murti
Pengaruh kadar acetylen black terhadap performa baterai lithium ion sel setengah dari anoda li4ti5o12 memakai lioh sebagai sumber ion lithium dengan proses hidrotermal-ballmill = The influence of acetylen black content in half cell li ion battery performance with li4ti5o12 anode use lioh as lithium ion source from hidrotermal ballmill method
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Nur Mochamad Abdurrahman
Pengaruh kadar acetylene black terhadap performa baterai ion litium sel setengah dengan anoda li4ti5o12 solid-state xerogel = The influence of acetylene black content in performance of half cell li ion batteries with li4ti5o12 xerogel solid state anode materials
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Nita Dianova
Pengaruh kadar silikon nano terhadap performa baterai ion litium sel setengah menggunakan anoda li4ti5o12 dengan proses hidrotermal mekanokimia = Effect of silicon nano content to half cells li ion battery performance using li4ti5o12 anode with hydrothermal mechanochemical process
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Sintesis komposit Li4Ti5O12 dan Sn untuk anoda baterai lithium ion dengan metode hidrotermal = Synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 and Sn composite for lithium ion battery anode with hydrothermal method
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis Membership
Pengaruh variasi suhu sintering terhadap hasil sintesis dan karakterisasi li4ti5o12 sebagai bahan anoda baterai lithium ion = The effect of sintering temperature variation on the li4ti5o12 synthesis and characterization results as li ion battery anode material
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi Membership