Adelia Surya Pratiwi
Understanding emerging market sovereign bond yield spread: role of default and non-default determinants / Adelia Surya Pratiwi
Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia, Centre of Macroeconomic Policy, 2015
 Artikel Jurnal
Gilang Praditiyo
The impact of pre-closing implementation to price efficiency in indonesia stock exchange / Gilang Praditiyo
AJB Bumiputera, Fund Management Division, 2014
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Nor Edi Azhar Binti Mohamad
The performance of shariah real estate investment trust and conventional real estate investment trust in malaysia / Nor Edi Azhar Binti Mohamad
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Department of Finance & Economics, College of Business Management & Accounting., 2016
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Ony Humarseno
The impact of business diversification on performance of IDX listed firms
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
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Fariz Rahmanto
The effects of crude oil price changes on the indonesian stock market: a sector investigation / Fariz Rahmanto, Muhammad Hira Riga, Vika Indriana
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
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