Renny Wulan Apriliyasari
Pengaruh pemberian terapi musik gamelan terhadap memori jangka pendek pasien stroke iskemik = The effect of gamelan music therapy to short term memory in ischemic stroke patients / Renny Wulan Apriliyasari
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Pratiwi Rapih Astuti Natsir
Pengaruh pajanan musik klasik terhadap nafsu makan tikus galur wistar = The effect of classical music exposure on food appetite of the wistar-strained rat
Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Skripsi (Open)
Campbell, Don G., 1946-
The Mozart Effect for Children
Quill, 2002
 Buku Teks
Campbell, Don G., 1946-
The Mozart Effect for Children
Quill, 2002
 Buku Teks
Campbell, Don G., 1946-
The Mozart Effect for Children
Quill, 2002
 Buku Teks