Muhammad Zubair Muis Alie
The effect of symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration shapes on buckling and fatigue strength analysis of fixed offshore platforms
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
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Dwita Astari Pujiartati
Effects of peppermint odor on performance and fatigue in a simulated air traffic control task / Dwita Astari Pujiartati, Yassierli
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Hafif Dafiqurrohman
Air intake modification for pyrolysis optimization on rice husk fixed bed downdraft gasifier with maximum capacity of 30 kg/hour
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Nirattisak Khongthon
Effect of mixing ratio and pelleting speed on physical and mechanical properties of biomass pellets from sugarcane trash
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Azizollah Khormali
Prediction and inhibition of inorganic salt formation under static and dynamic conditions ? effect of pressure, temperature, and mixing ratio
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