Aylie Han
Effects of graded concrete on compressive strengths
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
Korb Srinavin
The effects of foam beads and kaolin on physical and thermal properties of concrete blocks
 Artikel Jurnal
Dwita Astari Pujiartati
Effects of peppermint odor on performance and fatigue in a simulated air traffic control task / Dwita Astari Pujiartati, Yassierli
 Artikel Jurnal
W. Widiyastuti
Effects of the duration of ultrasonic irradiation and the atmospheric environment on the characteristics of zno nanostructures via a sonochemical method / W. Widiyastuti, Siti Machmudah, Tantular Nurtono, Sugeng Winardi
 Artikel Jurnal
Jessica Sjah
Pengaruh pemakaian cacahan limbah gelas plastik polypropylene (PP) pada kuat tekan dan kuat geser material beton = The effect of usage of crushed polypropylene plastic waste in compressive and shear strength of concrete material
 UI - Skripsi (Open)