Bakti Prasetyo Utomo
Pembuatan sistem desain steel structure di PT. X
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership
Bethelhem structure shapes : information and tables for architects, engineers, designers, and detailers
Bethelhem Steel Corporation, 1975
Buku Teks
Martin Ulpan
Analisis pengaruh pemodelan dan eksentrisitas pelat buhul pada sambungan sendi bangunan struktur baja = Analysis the effect of gusset plate s modeling and eccentricity on the shear connection of steel structure building
UI - Skripsi Membership
Analisis respon seismik struktur baja bresing konsentrik dengan perletakan isolator di lantai dua = Seismic response analysis of concentric bracing steel structure for the second floor isolation placement
UI - Skripsi Membership
Andre Yudha Priyadi
Studi perbandingan metode analisis effective length method dengan direct analysis method pada struktur baja K-split EBF = Comparative study of effective length method and direct analysis method on K-split EBF steel structure
UI - Skripsi Membership