Akbar Suwardi
Pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, produktivitas pertanian, dan kemiskinan di indonesia/local government spending, agricultural productivity and poverty in indonesia / Akbar Suwardi
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Bambang Juanda
The impact of macroeconomic indicators to foreign investment in indonesia / Bambang Juanda, Mahyuddin
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Fahmi Salam Ahmad
The impact of El Nino on inflation in regional Indonesia: spatial panel approach
Faculty of Economic and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2019
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Eny Kusdarwati
Pengaruh harga bensin terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas di indonesia = The impact of gasoline price on trac accident in Indonesia
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Isbandriyati Mutmainah
The impact of final demand arld prices on indonesia's total - import: cointegration and error correction model analysis / Isbandriyati Mutmainah
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