Aditya Puja Ramadhan
Understanding new technology adoption: investigating the mediating effects of attitude toward self service technology (SST) on antecedent beliefs and intention to use SST: a comparison study to facilitate transaction and SST with customer service purpose = Memahami proses adopsi teknologi baru: meneliti efek mediasi dari attitude terhadap self-service tehnology (SST) pada antecedent beliefs dan intention to use: membandingkan SST untuk memfasilitasi transaksi dan SST untuk customer service
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Pengaruh enam antecedent beliefs terhadap behavioral intention dengan mediasi attitude = The effect of six antecedent beliefs toward behavioral intention attitude as mediating variable
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Simamora, Ririn Eva Kristy
Analisis pengaruh product attribute beliefs terhadap customer perceived value dan repurchase intention = Effect of product attribute beliefs towards customer perceived value and repurchase intention
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Ficky Reinanto
Pengaruh kesiapan konsumen terhadap keinginan untuk mencoba layanan teknologi self service pada stasiun pengisian bahan bakar untuk umum = The influence of consumer readiness on the decision to try the self service technologies at gas stations
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Giovanni Fataro Hia
Analisis pemilihan teknologi self-service atau pelayanan interpersonal - dampak dari faktor situasional dan sikap terhadap teknologi: studi kasus: pelayanan loket dan commuter vending machine di Stasiun Bekasi = Analysis of choosing self-service technologies or interpersonal services - the impact of situational factors and technology related attitudes: case study: service counter and commuter vending machine at Bekasi Station
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)