Visualization of angular particle-bubble surface interaction using a high speed video camera
Artikel Jurnal
Performance analysis of video streaming over 3.5G technology
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Haryo Santoso
Understanding and efforts of furniture industries facing eco-labeling in central java and yogyakarta-indonesia
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Dewi Nugraheny
Pendampingan pengenalan metode pengetikan cepat menggunakan microsoft word bagi siswa kelas 5 sdit salsabila al muthiin yogyakarta
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto, 2019
Artikel Jurnal
Tri Arini
The influence of deposition time and substrate temperature during the spray pyrolysis process on the electrical resistivity and optical transmittance of 2 wt% fluorine-doped tin oxide conducting glass
Artikel Jurnal