Bagio Budiardjo
Network computing: A LAN based parallel computing platform at the University of Indonesia
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
 Artikel Jurnal
Computing, Communication and Signal Processing: Proceedings of ICCASP 2018
Springer Singapore, 2019
Wireles network': new meaning to ubiquitous computing Wilfred Drew
 Artikel Jurnal
Emerging research in computing, information, communication and applications: ERCICA 2018, volume 1
N. R. Shetty, L. M. Patnaik, H. C. Nagaraj, Prasad Naik Hamsavath, N. Nalini, editors
Springer Nature, 2019
Recent trends in communication, computing, and electronics: select Proceedings of IC3E 2018
Ashish Khare, Uma Shankar Tiwary, Ishwar K. Sethi, Nar Singh, editors
Springer Nature, 2019