Septiani Martha
Isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa aktif penghambat ?-glukosidase dan antioksidan daun garcinia kydia roxburgh. = Isolation and identification of active compounds as alpha glucosidase inhibitor and antioxidants from leaves of the garcinia kydia roxburgh
 UI - Tesis Membership
Sofa Fajriah
Isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa aktif terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7 dari fraksi etil asetat daun myristica fatua houtt = Isolation and identification of active compounds against MCF 7 breast cancer cell line from ethyl acetate fraction of myristica fatua houtt leaves
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Isolasi, identifikasi dan uji aktivitas dari ekstrak daun macaranga hispida (blume) Mull.Arg = Isolation identifikation dan activity test form macaranga hispida (blume) Mull.Arg leaves extract
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis Membership
Syukur Sakban Wicaksono
Studi pendahuluan potensi ekstrak dan senyawa hasil isolasi dari fraksi etil asetat kulit batang macaranga mappa sebagai obat herbal antidiabetes golongan inhibitor glukosidase dan uji aktivias antioksidannya = Preliminary study of the potential of extracts and compounds isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of the bark of macaranga mappas as antidiabetic herbal medicine group inhibitory glucosidase and antioxidant acivity / Syukur Sakban Wicaksono
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Diny Kamilah
Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif Antijamur Dari Senna Siamea L. Terhadap Jamur Candida spp. = Isolation and Identification of Active Antifungal Compounds From Senna Siamea L. Against Candida spp.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership