White, Morton G.
The age of analysis; twentieth century philosophers, selected, with an introd. and interpretive commentary
Books for Libraries Press, [1970, c1955]
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Gorbachev, Mikhail
Moral lessons of twentieth century : Gorbachev and Ikeda on Buddhism and communism / Mikhail Gorbachev and Daisaku Ikeda
I.B. Tauris, 2005
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Russel, Fox Hon
Justice in the twenty-first century
Covendish Publishing Limited, 2000
 Buku Teks
Culture, philosophy and the future : essays in honor of Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana on his 80th birthday
edited by Deliar Noer
Dian Rakyat, 1988
 Buku Teks SO
Handbook of world philosophy : contemporary developments since 1945
edited by John R. Burr
Greenwood Press, 1980
 Buku Referensi