Asian rethinking on development: a symposium
edited by Yogesh Atal and Ralph Pieris
Abhinav Publications, 1976
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Budaya pasar : masyarakat dan moralitas dalam kapitalisme Asia baru = Market cultures, society and morality in the new Asian capitalism / editor Robert W. Hefner; Penerjemah: T. Iskandar Ali
LP3ES, 1999
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Hefner, Robert W.
Market cultures : society and morality in the new Asian capitalism
Westview Press , 1998
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Myrdal, Gunnar, 1898-
Asian drama : an inquiry into the poverty of nations
Penguin Press, 1972
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Southeast Asia's economy in the 1970s : Asian Development Bank
N.Y. Praeger , 1971
Buku Teks