Azzahra Fadhilah
The Effectiveness of Mental Health Promotion Through The Use of Webinar towards Depressive Symptoms in Third year Medical Students of Universitas Indonesia Prior to Entering Clerkship Rotation = Efektivitas Promosi Kesehatan Mental Lewat Webinar Terhadap Gejala Depresi pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Tingkat Tiga Sebelum Memasuki Rotasi Klinik
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Vanda Pebruarini
Peran Literasi Kesehatan Mental Sebagai Moderator antara Gejala Depresi dan Intensi Mencari Bantuan Psikologis Daring pada Remaja di Indonesia. = The Role of Mental Health Literacy as a Moderator between Depressive Symptoms and Psychological Online Help Seeking Intention among Adolescents in Indonesia.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
Reichenberg-Ullman, Judyth
Prozac free : homeopathic medicine for depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional problems / Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman
Prima Health, 1999
 Buku Teks
Mood disorders, the world’s major public health problem
edited by Frank J. Ayd, Jr. and Irving J. Taylor
Ayd Medical Communications, 1978
 Buku Teks
Wimala Tiastrinindita Purwa
Tingkat depresi pada penyandang cacat fisik
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
 UI - Tesis Membership