Study on the development of new sources of funding to support higher education programs
Universitas Indonesia, 1989
 Buku Referensi
Study on the Development of New Sources of Funding to Support Higher Education Programs (Final Report)
Computer Science Center University of Indonesia, 1989
 Buku Referensi
The impact of family planning programs on fertility rates : a case study of four nations
Jay Teachman ... [and others]
Comm. and family Study Center, 1979
 Buku Teks
Analisis pembiayaan publik untuk program penanggulangan penyakit Tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Solok Selatan tahun 2004-2006 = Financial analysis of public funding for TB Programs in South Solok Regency, 2004-2006
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
 UI - Tesis Membership
Naila Dzikra Hapsari
Pengaruh metode perekrutan CEO secara internal atau eksternal pada performa perusahaan : studi 300 perusahaan publik di Indonesia periode Covid-19 tahun 2018-2021 = The impact of internal and external CEO recruitment Method on Firm Performance: study on 300 listed public firms in Indonesia during Covid-19 period 2018-2021
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Skripsi Membership