Mochamad Indrawan, examiner
Avifaunal distribution and endemism in the Togian Island, Gulf of Tomini, Central Sulawesi
Universitas Indonesia, 2004
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Qian Wang, editor
Bones, genetics, and behavior of rhesus macaques: Macaca mulatta of Cayo Santiago and beyond
Springer, 2012
Henley, David
Fertility, food and fever: population, economy and environment in North and Central Sulawesi, 1600-1930
KITLV Press , 2005
 Buku Teks
Wallace, Bruce, 1920-
Basic population genetics
Columbia University Press, 1981
 Buku Teks
Riezdqhy Amalina Farahiyah Al Husna
Lanskap sosio-ekologi hutan Pulau Peleng, Sulawesi Tengah = Socio-ecological forest landscape of Peleng Island Central Sulawesi
 UI - Skripsi Membership