A. Guntur Hermawan
The role of immune response in immunocompromised conditions
 Artikel Jurnal
Anti Dharmayanti
The role of T- helper cells in immune response with specific discussion on atopic allergy
 Artikel Jurnal
Mak, Tak W.
Primer to the immune response : academic cell update
Elsevier, 2011
 Buku Teks
Immune response towards HIV: its significance in establishing the diagnosis and the stage of infection
 Artikel Jurnal
Endah Ayu Tri Wulandari
Peran faktor genetik dan respon imun pejamu terhadap kandidiasis orofaring pada individu terinfeksi HIV sebelum dan sesudah terapi anti retroviral = The role of genetic factor and immune response toward oropharyngeal candidiasis among HIV infected subjects before and after anti retroviral therapy
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