Artwick, Bruce A.
Microcomputer interfacing / Bruce A. Artwick
Prentice-Hall, 1980
Buku Teks
Zaks, Rodnay
Teknik perantaraan mikroprosesor = Microprocessor interfacing techniques
Erlangga, 1993
Buku Teks
Zaks, Rodnay
Teknik perantaraan mikroprosesor = Microprocessor interfacing techniques
Erlangga, 1988
Buku Teks
Derenzo, Stephen E.
Interfacing: a laboratory approach using the microcomputer for instrumentation, data analysis, and control
Prentice-Hall, 1990
Buku Teks
Axelson, Jan
Parallel port complete : programming, interfacing & using the PC's parallel printer port
Lakeview Research , 2000
Buku Teks