Ridho Adriansyah
Perbedaan rerata serum nerve growth factor pada kejadian neuropati perifer pasien artritis reumatoid = The mean difference of nerve growth factor serum in the occurence of peripheral neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis patients / Ridho Adriansyah
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Rina Pramanik Dewi
Aktivitas anti agregasi trombosit ekstrak kering phyllanthus niruri pada orang sehat = Anti platelet aggregation activity of dry extract phyllanthus niruri on healthy human subjects
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ifael Yerosias Mauleti
Perbedaan rerata kadar hematokrit dan albumin serum, serta beda proporsi efusi pleura dan atau asites pasien infeksi dengue dewasa pada berbagai derajat hiperlaktatemia = The difference in the average levels of hematocrit and serum albumin as well as different proportions pleural effusion and/or ascites adult patients with dengue infection in various degrees hyperlactatemia
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Adi Surya Komala
Perbedaan kadar periostin serum pada asma alergi terkontrol dan tidak terkontrol = The Difference of serum periostin level in controlled and uncontrolled allergic asthma
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Sekarpramita Darmaputri
Hubungan profil koagulasi dengan mortalitas 30 hari pada pasien COVID-19: studi terhadap kadar trombosit, PT/APTT, fibrinogen, dan d-Dimer = The correlation of coagulation profile and 30-days mortality in COVID-19: a study towards thrombocyte, PT/APTT, fibrinogen, and d-Dimer level
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis (Membership)