Ratna Monasari
Analisa pengaruh zat aditif oxygenated cyclohexanol pada performa dan emisi mesin SI 125 CC berbahan bakar campuran bensin dengan fuel grade bioethanol = Analysis of the effect of additive oxygenated cyclohexanol on performance and emission of SI 125 CC engine fueled gasoline blend with fuel grade bioethanol / Ratna Monasari
 UI - Tesis Membership
Zulkifli Abdul Majid
Effect of bioethanol on engine performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel fuel engine
 Artikel Jurnal
Faiq Aziz
Analisis penggunaan zat aditif oxygenate cyclohexanol pada torsi motor 125 cc berbahan bakar campuran gasoline dan fuel grade bioethanol = Analyzing the effect of oxygenate cyclohexanol as an additive substance to the 125 cc engine s torque using a mixture of gasoline and fuel grade bioethanol as the fuel
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Muhammad Rizki Fajar
Analisis pengunaan zat aditif oxygenate cyclohexanol pada brake power motor 125 cc berbahan bakar campuran gasoline dan fuel grade bioethanol = Analyzing the effect of oxygenate cyclohexanol as an additive substance to the 125 cc engine s brake power using a mixture of gasoline and fuel grade bioethanol as the fuel
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Muhamad Fadlan Rasyid
Pengaruh konsentrasi H2O2 dan laju alir gas umpan terhadap proses penyisihan gas buang mesin diesel melalui membran serat berongga = The effect of concentration of H2O2 and feed gas flow rate on removal of diesel engine exhaust through hollow fiber membrane
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Skripsi Membership