Aryani Widyakusuma
Preferensi pemilihan unit hunian pada perumahan tipe cluster : studi kasus perumahan the Grand Sentul = Selection preference of housing units at a residential cluster type : case study the Grand Sentul housing / Aryani Widyakusuma
UI - Tesis Membership
Mutiara Khairani
Rumah susun sebagai tujuan relokasi dan hunian bagi korban penggusuran = Public housing as relocation destination and housing for evictees
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership
Dieter Evers, Hans
Sosiologi perkotaan : Urbanisasi dan sengketa tanah di Indonesia dan malaysia
LP3ES, 1982
Buku Teks
Payne, Geoffrey K.
Urban housing in the third world
Leonard-Hill, 1977
Buku Teks
Janthi Dharma Shanty
Qoryatussalam sani: dinamika produksi dan konsumsi komunitas perumahan muslim = Qoryatussalam sani the dynamics of production and consumption in an islamic housing community
UI - Tesis Membership