Felly Rihlat Gibran
Ooptimization of fixed bed downdraft reactor for rice husk biomass gasification using secondary air intake variation
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 Artikel Jurnal
Wica Delatoya
Material biokomposit dari miselium dan limbah pertanian sebagai bahan material berkelanjutan = Bio-composite materials from mycelium and agricultural waste as sustainable materials
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Lintang Ayu Kencana
Studi pengaruh penambahan 0-10% wt carbon black jenis fef 550 terhadap karakterisasi pelat bipolar berbasis karbon komposit = Study on the influences of 0-10% wt carbon black fef 550 addition to the bipolar plate based on carbon composite characterizations
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi Membership
M. Ekaditya Albar
Pengaruh variasi komposisi ukuran partikel carbon black dan lama pencampuran grafit dan carbon black terhadap distribusi sifat-sifat pelat bipolar PEMFC berbasis komposit grafit/epoksi = The influence of variations in composition of carbon black particle size and mixing time of graphite and carbon black to the distribution of properties of PEMFC bipolar plates based on graphite epoxy composite
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
Sintesis non halogen fire retardant composite melalui modifikasi resin poliester tak jenuh dengan penambahan Al(OH3/Mg (OH2) dan filler carbon black = Synthesis of non halogen fire retardant composite by modification of unsaturated polyester resin by adding Al(OH3) Mg (OH2) and carbon black filler / Arfiana
 UI - Tesis Membership