A well-designed records management policy for any modern organization is deemed as a key factor in the success of administration program on effectiveness and efficiency, which in turn can help its host organization to materialize its goals. The policy should include records creation standards, records usage, preservation, and retention, forms design, correspondence management, mail handling, and filing system. It also could be found in the policy the management of records center, the assessment of vital records, inactive records transfer procedures to records center and National Archives of Republic of Indonesia, and disposal program. Considering the importance of records management in an organization, a research has been conducted on this issue. There are two objectives to reach in this research. The first objectives is to find out the availability of records management policy in its relation to the principle of records life cycle, in supporting the administration function of FSUI. The second one is to forward a strategic planning on how to implement a standard records management policy which will cover mail handling, disposal, document classification, and retention schedule. The research which was conducted from July 2000 until July 2001 in the academic department of Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia or FSUI for short, applied qualitative approach. Questionnaire based interviews and participants observation technique were used as data collecting method. The result shows that FSUI has not had a written policy on records management while its department has one. The absence of records management policy makes the education institution has no direction of keeping its records in professional manner whereas its department applied their self-style records management policy in a very limited understanding and capability due to the lack of traned staff.