[Kontak seks komersial mempercepat penularan HIV. Probabilitas pekerja seks terinfeksi HIV lebih tinggi karena beberapa faktor risiko, salah satunya penggunaan kondom secara tidak konsisten. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan faktor individual (umur, pendidikan, negosiasi kondom, lama bekerja, jumlah pelanggan), faktor lingkungan (pelatihan kondom, ketersediaan kondom, tempat mendapatkan kondom, keterpaparan informasi) dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPS. Analisis lanjut data Survei Manajemen Rantai
Pasokan Kondom (SMRPK) tahun 2013 dengan desain cross sectional pada 3225 WPS langsung dan tidak langsung yang dipilih secara multistage random sampling di 16 Provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 62,8% konsistensi memakai kondom. Umur WPS, negosiasi kondom, ketersediaan kondom berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom. Variabel negosiasi kondom merupakan faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom.dimana WPS yang selalu melakukan negosiasi kondom
berpeluang menggunakan kondom secara konsisten 12,6 kali dibandingkan WPS yang tidak selalu negosiasi kondom dengan pelanggannya;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients.;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey (SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients., Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV.
Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk
factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the
associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms
training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the
consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated
62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability
significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting
with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6
times consistently of condom use with a clients.]