Jenis Koleksi : Buku Referensi (13780)

 Jenis Koleksi : Buku Referensi (13780)

Anderson, Philip O.
R 551 HAN
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001
I Made Sandy, author
R 551.5 MAD s
Jakarta: Direktorat Landuse. Direktorat Jenderal Agraria Departemen Dalam Negeri, 1972
R 541.38 RIS
Jakarta: Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, 2007
Purwiyanto Hariyadi. editor
R 612 .3 UPA
Bogor: Sotheast asian food science & technology (SEAFAST) Center, 2007
R 551.69 ATL
Colorado: The National Center for Atmosphere Research, 1990
R 551.616 GLO
Virginia: The National Center for Atmosphere Research, 1988
R 551.55 NIK a
Depok: FMIPA UI, 1979