Latar belakang penulisan penelitian karya akhir ini di timbulkan oleh rasa ketertarikan penulis terhadap kepuasan Pelanggan, kesetiaan Pelanggan terhadapsuatu merek atau produk dan faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen seperti kepuasan pelanggan dan swithing barrier. Sejak hadirnya jasa on-line recruitment pada tahun 1994 dan selanjutnya menyebar secara cepat ke seluruh dunia, sekarang ini sudah sangat maju, canggih, ditandai dengan kemajuan demi kemajuan layanan teknologi ditawarkan, yang mana tentunya semua itu tidak terlepas dari permintaan pasar yang tinggi. Kebutuhan akan loyalitas konsumen sebagai keunggulan kompetitif di industri ini cukup vital.
The writer was intrigued by switching customer, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, in relation with the dynamic of a product or a brand and the factors which effecting customer loyalty and other factors which also support customer loyalty, such as customer satisfaction and switching barrier. Since the online recruitment appearance at 1994 and then spreading very fast throughout the whole world, nowadays technologies are highly advance, sophisticated, progress-by progress the technology they offer, obviously all of that are related from the high demand from the market. The needs for customer loyalty as competitive advantage are vital in this industry.