Performansi Bisnis Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) Wireline PT TELKOM menunjukan performansi keuangan yang semakin menurun dari tahun ketahun. Unit Segmen Trading and Service (UNES TNS) sebagai salah satu unit bisnis Divisi Enterprise Service (DIVES) bertanggung jawab untuk mempertahankan performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline di pelanggan yang dikelolanya yaitu pelanggan korporasi segmen Trading and Service.
Hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT dan metode Porter's 5 Forces menjelaskan positioning produk PSTN Wireline sebagai berikut: 1. Performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline berada pada kuadran IV sehingga diperlukan strategi untuk meminimalkan kelemahan dan menghindari ancaman. Alternatif strategi yang efektif untuk posisi ini adalah kosentrasi/fokus, pengembangan produk dan pasar serta inovasi. 2. Potensi Kompetitif bisnis produk PSTN Wireline tergolong kategori high atau sangat kompetitif sehingga daur hidup PSTN Wireline berada dalam tahap penurunan atau decline.
Perencanaan strategi fungsional menggunakan konsep strategi generik Porter dan analisa SWOT menghasilkan beberapa alternatif strategi diantaranya: 1. Keunggulan Biaya: Bulk Traffic Pricing, Program tarif On-net, Bundling Pricing dan Single Billing 2. Diferensiasi: Penyediaan layanan dengan kualitas dan reability yang tinggi, customer relationship dan bundling Produk 3. Fokus layanan total solusi untuk beberapa sub segment yang potensial. 4. Program promosi layanan Beberapa alternatif strategi tersebut diharapkan menjadi strategi yang tepat untuk menciptakan keunggulan bersaing dan meningkatkan performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline di pelanggan korporasi.
Wireline Public Switch Telephone Network (Wireline PSTN) Business of PT TELKOM has showed significant reduction in financial and sales performance from year to year. Trading & Service Segment (TNS Segment) as one of the units in PT TELKOM's Enterprise Division which has the responsibility to maintain business performance of Wireline PSTN amongst Corporate Customers that have main/core business in Trading & Service sector. A research using the integration of SWOT Analysis and Porter's Five Forces defines the positioning of Wireline PSTN's products. The result of research using SWOT analysis & Porter's 5 Forces Method defines product positioning of wireline PSTN as follow: 1. PSTN Wireline bussiness performance is at fourth kuadran and needs a strategy to minimize the weakness and avoid any threath. This effective strategy for this position is concentration/focus, product and market, development and innovation. 2. The competitive potential of PSTN product is catagorized as highly or very competitive that the life cycle is in the declining stage. Fungsional Strategy at in Planning using concept Porter's Generic strategy and SWOT analysis result a lot of alternative strategy as follow: 1. Leadership Cost: Bulk Traffic Pricing, On-net Pricing Program, Pricing Bundling and Single Billing 2. Diferentiation: Service delivered by high quality and reability, Customer relationship and Product bundling. 3. Focust to total solution service in potential sub segment 4. Promotion Program