Tingkat loyalitas konsumen sudah banyak diprediksi dengan berbagai atribut dari framework kepuasan pelanggan, tetapi output yang dihasilkan tidak konsisten. Konsep yang sedang berkembang saat ini yang dianggap sebagai predictor yang baik untuk loyalitas adalah customer experience. Ada delapan faktor pembentuk B2C customer experience menurut Lemke et al. (2006), yaitu accessibility, competence, customer recognition, helpfulness, personalization, problem solving, promise fulfillment, dan value for time. Dari penelitian terhadap responden yang dalam enam bulan terakhir berinteraksi dengan Hoka Hoka Bento didapatkan hasil bahwa problem solving, promise fulfillment, serta value for time merupakan tiga faktor yang paling berkorelasi dengan customer experience dan accessibility merupakan faktor dengan korelasi terendah. Penelitian ini juga mendapatkan hubungan yang kuat antara customer experience dengan loyalitas.
Many researchers have predicted consumer loyalty based on attributes from customer satisfaction framework, but many found inconsistent results. Customer experience is a growing concept which is considered as a good predictor for loyalty. There are eight factors which contribute to customer experience based on research by Lemke et al. (2006); accessibility, competence, customer recognition, helpfulness, personalization, problem solving, promise fulfillment, and value for time. From research concerning to respondents which in the last six months interacting with Hoka Hoka Bento, results show that problem solving, promise fulfillment, and value for time are three factors with the highest correlation with customer experience and accessibility is the lowest. This research also finds strong correlation between customer experience and loyalty.