PelayanaPelayanan publik berbasis elektronik akan memungkinkan penyelenggaraan one stop and non stop services, memfasilitasi komunikasi dua arah sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan pelayanan dan responsiveness terhadap masyarakat. Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) sebagai institusi Pemerintah yang menangani Penanaman Modal telah mengimplementasikan e-Government dalam wujud website BKPM, namun berdasarkan survey World Bank 2012, website BKPM masih kurang optimal.
Dalam penelitian kali ini, website BKPM akan dianalisa menggunakan teori e-Servqual, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi publik serta mengukur dimensi apa saja yang harus dibenahi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi pengguna jasa masih negative, dan dimensi yang harus dibenahi adalah Daya Tanggap (-2,19), Reliabilitas (-2,00), Efisiensi (-1,81), Sistem (-1,71), dan Desain (-1,49).
The implementation of e-Service Quality will allow the implementation of one-stop and non-stop services, facilitating two-way communication so as to improve the quality of service delivery and responsiveness to the community. Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) as a Government Institution in charge of Investment has implemented e-Government in the form of BKPM website, but based on World Bank survey 2012, BKPM website is still less than optimal. In this study, BKPM website will be analyzed using the e-SERVQUAL theory, with the objective of identifying and measuring the dimensions of the public's perception what should be addressed. The results showed that perceptions of service users is still negative, and the dimensions that must be addressed are the Responsiveness (-2.19), Reliability (-2.00), Efficiency (-1.81), System (-1.71), and Design (-1.49).