ABSTRAKDi Indonesia, peraturan perundang-undangan dalam bidang pertambangan mineral
dan batu bara diawali dengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang 11 tahun 1967
tentang Ketentuan Pokok Pertambangan dengan peraturan pelaksananya yang
kemudian telah diubah seluruhnya dengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang No
40 tahun 2009 tentang Mineral dan Batubara (?UU Minerba?) beserta dengan
peraturan pelaksananya sebagai hukum positif dalam melaksanakan kegiatan
pertambangan dewasa ini. Dengan adanya suatu peralihan dasar hukum dalam
melaksanakan kegiatan pertambangan, kemudian muncullah beberapa
permasalahan yang terjadi antara lain mengenai permasalahan bagaimana
kedudukan hukum PKP2B setelah diberlakukannya UU Minerba, dan bagaimana
keberlakuan UU Minerba tersebut mempengaruhi hubungan kontraktual
pemegang PKP2B dengan pihak ketiganya yang mayoritas merupakan pihak
investor asing.
Dengan menggunakan metode analisis normative untuk menganalisa dan
menjawab identifikasi masalah dalam penulisan hukum ini kemudian akan
dipaparkan, dan dianalisa secara rinci bahwa UU Minerba pada dasarnya tetap
mengakui keberlakuan PKP2B dengan memberikan kewajiban terkait dengan
masa peralihan untuk melakukan penyesuaian terhadap seluruh ketentuan di
dalam PKP2B maupun isi dan ketentuan kontraktual pemegang PKP2B dan pihak
ketiganya yang ingin tetap melakukan kegiatan pertambangan di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTIn Indonesia, the legislation in the field of mineral and coal mining began with the
enactment of Law 11 of 1967 concerning the Basic Provisions of Mining and its
implementing regulations, which was changed entirely with the enactment of Law
No. 40 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining ("Mining Law") and its
implementing regulations as the positive law in carrying out mining activities.
With the change of regulation in conducting mining activities, some problems
occurred relating to the validity of PKP2B after the enactment of the Mining Law
and how the enactment of the Mining Law affects the CCOW holder?s contractual
relationship with third parties, the majority of which are foreign investors. By
using the normative methodology to analyze and answer the issue in this Thesis, it
shall be explained and analyzed in details that the Mining Law still recognizes the
validity of CCOW by providing the obligation during the transitional period to
make adjustments to all the provisions in the CCOW including the contents and
contractual provisions of CCOW holders and third parties who want to keep
carrying out mining activities in Indonesia;In Indonesia, the legislation in the field of mineral and coal mining began with the
enactment of Law 11 of 1967 concerning the Basic Provisions of Mining and its
implementing regulations, which was changed entirely with the enactment of Law
No. 40 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining ("Mining Law") and its
implementing regulations as the positive law in carrying out mining activities.
With the change of regulation in conducting mining activities, some problems
occurred relating to the validity of PKP2B after the enactment of the Mining Law
and how the enactment of the Mining Law affects the CCOW holder’s contractual
relationship with third parties, the majority of which are foreign investors. By
using the normative methodology to analyze and answer the issue in this Thesis, it
shall be explained and analyzed in details that the Mining Law still recognizes the
validity of CCOW by providing the obligation during the transitional period to
make adjustments to all the provisions in the CCOW including the contents and
contractual provisions of CCOW holders and third parties who want to keep
carrying out mining activities in Indonesia, In Indonesia, the legislation in the field of mineral and coal mining began with the
enactment of Law 11 of 1967 concerning the Basic Provisions of Mining and its
implementing regulations, which was changed entirely with the enactment of Law
No. 40 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining ("Mining Law") and its
implementing regulations as the positive law in carrying out mining activities.
With the change of regulation in conducting mining activities, some problems
occurred relating to the validity of PKP2B after the enactment of the Mining Law
and how the enactment of the Mining Law affects the CCOW holder’s contractual
relationship with third parties, the majority of which are foreign investors. By
using the normative methodology to analyze and answer the issue in this Thesis, it
shall be explained and analyzed in details that the Mining Law still recognizes the
validity of CCOW by providing the obligation during the transitional period to
make adjustments to all the provisions in the CCOW including the contents and
contractual provisions of CCOW holders and third parties who want to keep
carrying out mining activities in Indonesia]