ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi intrinsik terhadap perilaku berorientasi pelanggan pada karyawan PT XX divisi fungsi pendukung dalam perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa. Responden penelitian adalah 14 orang karyawan level manager dan staf. Pengukuran perilaku berorientasi pelanggan menggunakan alat ukur Employee Customer Oriented Behavior (ECOB) dari Grizzle, et al (2009), sedangkan motivasi intrinsik diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur Task Evaluation Questionaire dari Pulley (2007). Hasil data awal menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan perilaku berorientasi pelanggan (r = 0.429, p < .05). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, peneliti menentukan intervensi yang akan diberikan yaitu pelatihan meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik dalam rangkaian pelatihan Improve Service Excellence from Inside. Responden intervensi adalah lima orang karyawan yang memiliki motivasi intrinsik dan perilaku berorientasi pelanggan yang tergolong rendah. Selanjutnya peneliti melakukan pengukuran post-test yang menunjukkan bahwa intervensi mampu meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik (Z = -2.060, ρ < .05) namun belum mampu meningkatkan perilaku berorientasi pelanggan (Z = -1.841, ρ < .05).
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of intrinsic motivation on customer oriented behavior of the employees at support functions division. The study was conducted at PT XX, a service company. The respondents were 14 employees, managers and staff levels. Measurement of customer oriented behavior is performed using Employee Customer Oriented Behavior (ECOB) measuring devices from Grizzle, et al (2009), whereas intrinsic motivation is measured by using Task Evaluation Questionnaire measuring devices from Pulley (2007). Results of preliminary data suggest that intrinsic motivation positively and significantly correlated with customer oriented behavior (r = 0.429, p < .05). Based on these results, researchers determined that the intervention to be given is training to improve intrinsic motivation in a series of Improve Service Excellence from Inside training. Respondents of interventions are five employees whose intrinsic motivation and customer-oriented behavior are low. Furthermore, researchers conducted a post-test measurements which indicate that interventions can increase intrinsic motivation (Z = -2.060, ρ < .05), Yet, it cannot improve the customer oriented behavior (Z = -1.841, ρ < .05).;This study aims to determine the effect of intrinsic motivation on customer oriented behavior of the employees at support functions division. The study was conducted at PT XX, a service company. The respondents were 14 employees, managers and staff levels. Measurement of customer oriented behavior is performed using Employee Customer Oriented Behavior (ECOB) measuring devices from Grizzle, et al (2009), whereas intrinsic motivation is measured by using Task Evaluation Questionnaire measuring devices from Pulley (2007). Results of preliminary data suggest that intrinsic motivation positively and significantly correlated with customer oriented behavior (r = 0.429, p < .05). Based on these results, researchers determined that the intervention to be given is training to improve intrinsic motivation in a series of Improve Service Excellence from Inside training. Respondents of interventions are five employees whose intrinsic motivation and customer-oriented behavior are low. Furthermore, researchers conducted a post-test measurements which indicate that interventions can increase intrinsic motivation (Z = -2.060, ρ < .05), Yet, it cannot improve the customer oriented behavior (Z = -1.841, ρ < .05)., This study aims to determine the effect of intrinsic motivation on customer oriented behavior of the employees at support functions division. The study was conducted at PT XX, a service company. The respondents were 14 employees, managers and staff levels. Measurement of customer oriented behavior is performed using Employee Customer Oriented Behavior (ECOB) measuring devices from Grizzle, et al (2009), whereas intrinsic motivation is measured by using Task Evaluation Questionnaire measuring devices from Pulley (2007). Results of preliminary data suggest that intrinsic motivation positively and significantly correlated with customer oriented behavior (r = 0.429, p < .05). Based on these results, researchers determined that the intervention to be given is training to improve intrinsic motivation in a series of Improve Service Excellence from Inside training. Respondents of interventions are five employees whose intrinsic motivation and customer-oriented behavior are low. Furthermore, researchers conducted a post-test measurements which indicate that interventions can increase intrinsic motivation (Z = -2.060, ρ < .05), Yet, it cannot improve the customer oriented behavior (Z = -1.841, ρ < .05).]