ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis pengaruh dari kualitas jasa teknis dan kualitas jasa
fungsional terhadap kepuasan layanan terhadap nasabah peserta kegiatan pada
program ?DAYA? dan Economic quality of life para nasabah. Selain itu penelitian
juga dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana peran kepuasan layanan dan Economic
quality of life terhadap nasabah dalam membangun intensi berperilaku . Penelitian
ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan metode multiple regresi linear
untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh satu variabel bila dipengaruhi oleh dua
variabel secara bersamaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat
hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kualitas jasa teknis dan kualitas jasa
fungsional terhadap kepuasan layanan terhadap nasabah peserta kegiatan pada
program ?DAYA?, antara kepuasan layanan dengan intensi berperilaku nasabah.
Namun dari hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan
yang positif dan signifikan antara kualitas jasa teknis dan kualitas jasa fungsional
terhadap Economic quality of life nasabah peserta kegiatan pada program
?DAYA? dan antara Economic quality of life dengan intensi berperilaku nasabah.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technical service
quality and functional service quality to service satisfaction and Economic quality
of life of the customer to participants in the "DAYA" program. In addition,
research is also carried out to see how the role of the service satisfaction and
Economic quality of life of the customer in intentions behavior. This research is a
descriptive study using multiple linear regression to determine how the effect of
one variable when it is affected by two variables simultaneously. The results
showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between technical
service quality and functional service quality to the customer satisfaction of
participants in the "DAYA" program, the customer satisfaction with the intention
behavior. the study also showed that there is not a positive and significant
relationship between technical service quality and functional service quality to
Economic quality of life of participants in the program activities "DAYA"
between Economic quality of life with the intention of customer behavior.;The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technical service
quality and functional service quality to service satisfaction and Economic quality
of life of the customer to participants in the "DAYA" program. In addition,
research is also carried out to see how the role of the service satisfaction and
Economic quality of life of the customer in intentions behavior. This research is a
descriptive study using multiple linear regression to determine how the effect of
one variable when it is affected by two variables simultaneously. The results
showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between technical
service quality and functional service quality to the customer satisfaction of
participants in the "DAYA" program, the customer satisfaction with the intention
behavior. the study also showed that there is not a positive and significant
relationship between technical service quality and functional service quality to
Economic quality of life of participants in the program activities "DAYA"
between Economic quality of life with the intention of customer behavior., The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technical service
quality and functional service quality to service satisfaction and Economic quality
of life of the customer to participants in the "DAYA" program. In addition,
research is also carried out to see how the role of the service satisfaction and
Economic quality of life of the customer in intentions behavior. This research is a
descriptive study using multiple linear regression to determine how the effect of
one variable when it is affected by two variables simultaneously. The results
showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between technical
service quality and functional service quality to the customer satisfaction of
participants in the "DAYA" program, the customer satisfaction with the intention
behavior. the study also showed that there is not a positive and significant
relationship between technical service quality and functional service quality to
Economic quality of life of participants in the program activities "DAYA"
between Economic quality of life with the intention of customer behavior.]